Thursday, February 25, 2010

Are we in state of Fear?

Apparently so. Nowadays global warming is in everybody’s mouth. It’s on the news, newspaper, radio, T.V. shows, etc. Recently we have had disgraceful disasters such as hurricanes, storm, tsunamis that have killed hundreds of people. Politics are often giving speeches talking about how all these disasters are a cause of global warming and that there a lot more to come and with much more strength. Whether it’s true they cannot be sure. Politics aren’t sure whether global warming is the cause of these disasters, regardless of that doubt, they continue to talk about as if they really knew the global warming’ effects. Of course these politicians are related with organizations that supposedly combat global warming. In these organizations rich folks donate thousands maybe millions of dollars to use them against global warming( just as George Morton was about to do in the story)these organizations give a piece of that cake to politicians, and politicians talk immensities about how global warming it’s ending the earth with catastrophes. People often listen to politicians; most of the audience believes what they say, without any facts or prove of what they said. people tend to believe what they say because they are suppose to be the heads and leaders of our country, but they do not always say the truth, especially when there is money in between. In brief, when people hear all these bad news about how disasters have happened because of global warming they tend to start fearing about this issue, without even listening to scientific’ facts, and people gets in state of fear.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Since the author starts talking about kenner in the story, kenner gains an important role on the story and let the audience intrigued. kenner seems to be a very mysterious man and a very intelligent person that has been in different type of government' organizations. Kenner also is young man who has influence among the government, making him look more interesting in the story. the suspense and action about who john kenner really is , it ends when the character of kenner starts talking much about charts, locations, numbers, codes and all of that to know no much of what the extremist group is about to do on the locations that kenner already has with him. As far as read, until when they are about to be at a base by the mount of terror, there is no really much suspense or exciment about kenner's character,he seems to be being the same intelligent man, but, with no much action.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Participation of human activities to global warming

It is known that the temperature of the atmosphere is warmed through a natural process called the green house effect. The natural process warms the earth's surface up to a certain level where every specie and human being can live adequately. Unfortunately, the green house effect has been increased by human activities that have caused higher temperatures and unusual climate changes throuhout the world giving birth to global warming. Fuel burning and deforestation are two main causes that increase the quantity of greehouse gases, both manmade causes.

The problem seem to persist, deforestation and fuel burning are not being stopped at all. Although many organizations have got together to discuss and find a solution to the problem, nothing has really happenned. Perhaps one reason why human activities have not stopped is because there are also scientist and polititians who claim that there is not global warming at all, and that the temperatures are the cause of natural cycles that have been going on for thousands of years. However, scientist have proven that during the 20th century the atmospheric temperature rose 1.1f (0.6c), and sea level rose several inches. Scientist have also proven that since 1988 the planet is getting warmer due to the increase of carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide has also been increasing since 1960 due to the industrial revolution which consisted of human activities as agriculture and fuel burning. Human activities again, increasing carbon dioxide, making an alteration on the regular carbon dioxide that comes naturally, creating like that global warming